Wednesday, 18 February 2015


Five Reasons S3x is Important in Your Relationship

Sex has been a vital topic for both genders regarding friendship and relationships but it can be a much more passionate experience when you share it with a meaningful partner. S€x may feel like a mere means of pleasure and fun but there is a lot of good that it can do for your relationship.

To some people sex may seem overrated, but we seem you five reasons why sex is beneficial for your relationship.

Keeps you connected

Sex is an intimate experience, which can bring you closer to your partner not just physically but emotionally. Your bedroom chemistry can also improve the chemistry in your relationship. A sexless relationship can become vulnerable over time and therefore, you need sex to keep the fire burning.

Keeps stress at bay

With the kind of lives we live, stress has  become an integral part of it. This often takes a toll on your relationship. However, research shows that sex releases a feel-good chemical in the brain, which reduces stress levels. Instead of resorting to antidepressants, engage in a heated sex session to improve your well being and strengthen your relationship.

Keeps the romance alive

Sex may seem like a physical activity but it has an emotional appeal to it. It causes the body to release oxytocin, which is also called the love hormone that will make you feel that you need to love and trust your partner.

Keeps the hormones balanced

We’ve already mentioned that being sexually active will calm stress but apart from that it also helps your body maintain hormonal balance. This hormonal balance will calm other emotional problems like depression and anxiety and will also increase fertility.

Keeps you both healthy

Sex can also benefit your overall health. Sex can also make you more flexible. It also acts as a metabolic and immune booster and can also fight the ageing process. This ensures that it not only keeps you and your partner healthy but also keeps your relationship.


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